Services Limited
Wheel Wash
Cleaning Vehicles / Bespoke Systems
Our heavy duty wheel wash systems, are used to wash vehicles wheels, sides and undercarriage by high pressure jets. When your vehicle has exit the wheel wash your vehicle will be cleaned and free of any dirt / debris. We offer a modular system to adapt our customers needs in different ways, such as the length you require and what space available you have for the wheel wash.
We can manufacture in different sizes 2 meters, 4 meters, or 6 meters. We also can supply a 10,000 liter tank for recycling the water, so you can reuse over and over again.
There are over 120 jets, which provides high pressure aiming at the sides and underneath your carriage washing all dirt and mud of your vehicle.
Main Benefits;
Modular system
Material: Thick steel
Over 120 high pressure jets
Capacity of 40 tonnes
10,000 liter tank
Easy for vehicles to access and exit the wheel wash